

2. T.J. White, T.H. Ware, M.E. McConney, J.J. Wie, S.-K. Ahn, “Voxelated Liquid Crystal Elastomers”, U.S. Patent No. 9,902,906; Feb 27, 2018

1. L.-S. Tan, D.H. Wang, J.J. Wie, T.J. White, “Bis(azobenzene) Diamines and Photomechanical Polymers Made Therefrom”, U.S. Patent No. 9,644,071; May 9, 2017


20. S.-K. Kim, A. Nguyen, J.J. Wie*, H.S. Park*, “Manipulating Glass Transition Behavior of Sulfonated Polystyrene by Functionalized Nanoparticle Inclusion”, Nanoscale, 7 (19), 8864-8872 (Apr 2015) [Link] 

19. T.H. Ware, M.E. McConney, J.J Wie, V.P. Tondiglia, T.J. White*, “Voxelated Liquid Crystal Elastomers”, Science, 347 (6225), 982-984 (Feb 2015) [Link]

*Featured in C&EN News, MRS Bulletin, Physics Today, New Scientist, Popular Science, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) News and various international news outlets

18. J.J. Wie, K.M. Lee, T.H. Ware, T.J. White*, “Twists and Turns in Glassy, Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks”, Macromolecules, 48 (4), 1087-1092 (Feb 2015) [Link]

17. J.-Y. Hong, B.M. Bak, J.J. Wie, J. Kong, H.S. Park*, “Reversibly Compressible, Highly Elastic, and Durable Graphene Aerogels for Energy Storage Devices Under Limiting Conditions”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 25 (7), 1053-1062 (Feb 2015) [Link]

*Inside Back Cover article

*Featured in news articles including Joongang, Yonhapnews, and Maeil Business

16. J.J. Wie, D.H. Wang, V.P. Tondiglia, N.V. Tabiryan, R. O. Vergara-Toloza, L.-S. Tan*, T.J. White*, “Photopiezoelectric Composites of Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides and Polyvinylidenefluoride”, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 35, 2050-2056 (Dec 2014) [Link]

*Front Cover article.

*Best of Macromolecular Journals 2014

15.  J.J. Wie, S. Chatterjee, D.H. Wang, L.-S. Tan, M.R. Shankar*, T.J. White*, “Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides as Wireless Actuators”, Polymer, 55 (23), 5915-5923 (Nov 2014) [Link]

*Invited feature article

Special Issue: Shape Memory and Shape Morphing Polymers

14. J.J. Wie, K.M. Lee, T.J. White*, “Thermally and Optically Fixable Shape Memory in Azobenzene Functionalized Glassy Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 596 (1), 113-121 (Sep 2014) [Link]

*Invited feature article

Special Issue: Optics of Liquid Crystals 2013

13. J.J. Wie, D.H. Wang, K.M. Lee, L.-S. Tan*, T.J. White*, “Molecular Engineering of Azobenzene Functionalized Polyimides to Enhance both Photomechanical Work and Motion”, Chem. Mater., 26 (18), 5223–5230 (Sep 2014) [Link]

12. J.J. Wie, N.A. Nguyen, C.D. Cwalina, J. Liu, D.C. Martin, M.E. Mackay*, “Shear Induced Solution Crystallization of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)”, Macromolecules, 47 (10), 3343-3349 (May 2014) [Link] 

11. S.-K. Kim, J.J. Wie (Co-first author), Y.K. Kim, Q. Mahmood, H.S. Park*, “Anomalous Nanoinclusion Effects of 2D MoS2 and WS2 Nanosheets on Mechanical Stiffness of Polymer Nanocomposites”, Nanoscale, 6, 7430-7435 (Apr 2014) [Link] 

10. D.H. Wang, J.J. Wie (Co-first author), K.M. Lee, T.J. White*, L.-S. Tan*, “Impact of Backbone Rigidity on the Photomechanical Response of Glassy, Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides”, Macromolecules, 47 (2), 659-667 (Jan 2014) [Link] 

9. J.J. Wie, K.M. Lee, M.L. Smith, R.A. Vaia, T.J. White*, “Torsional Mechanical Responses in Azobenzene Functionalized Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks”, Soft Matter, 9 (39), 9303-9310 (Oct 2013) [Link]

*Front Cover article

*Themed Collection 2013 Hot Papers

*Highlighted in Chemistry World, and Soft Matter World

8. G. Li, J.J. Wie, N.A. Nguyen, W.J. Chung, E.T. Kim, K. Char, M. E. Mackay*, J. Pyun*, “Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Reversible Healing of Supramolecular Perfluoropolyethers”, J. Polym. Sci. A. Polym. Chem., 51 (17), 3598-3606 (Sep 2013) [Link]

*Spotlight article on the Inside Cover

*Highlighted in Materials Views

7. W.J. Chung, J.J. Griebel, E.T. Kim, H. Yoon, A.G. Simmonds, H.J. Ji, P. Dirlam, R.S. Glass, J.J. Wie, N.A. Nguyen, B.W. Guralnick, J. Park, A. Somogyi, P. Theato, M.E. Mackay, Y.-E. Sung*, K. Char*, and J. Pyun*, “The Use of Elemental Sulfur as an Alternative Feedstock for Polymeric Materials”, Nat. Chem., 5, 518-524 (Apr 2013) [Link]

*Nature Chemistry’s Altmetric top 10 (2013)

*Highlighted in NPG Asia Materials (2013)

*Featured in news articles including Science Daily, EurekAlert, Environment News Service, Chemistry Views, and Daily Tech

6. S.-K. Kim, D.-G. Kim, A. Lee, H.-S. Sohn, J.J. Wie, N.A. Nguyen, M.E. Mackay, J.C. Lee*, “Organic/inorganic Hybrid Block Copolymer Electrolytes with Nanoscale Ion-Conducting Channels for Lithium ion Batteries”, Macromolecules, 45 (23), 9347-9356 (Dec 2012) [Link] 

5. J. Fox, J.J. Wie, S. Burattini, B.W. Greenland, W. Hayes, H.M. Colquhoun, M.E. Mackay*, S.J. Rowan*, “High-Strength, Healable, Supramolecular Polymer Nanocomposites”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134 (11), 5362-5368 (Mar 2012) [Link]

*Featured in VerticalNews Nanotechnology news article

4. J.R. Kumpfer, J.J. Wie, J. P. Swanson, F.L. Beyer, M.E. Mackay*, S.J. Rowan*, “Influence of Metal Ion and Polymer Core on the Melt Rheology of Metallosupramolecular Films”, Macromolecules, 45 (1), 473-480 (Jan 2012) [Link] 

3. H. Jin, J.J. Wie, S.C. Kim*, “Effect of Organoclays on the Properties of Polyurethane/clay Nanocomposite Coatings”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 117 (4), 2090-2100 (Aug 2010) [Link] 

2. J.J. Wie, H. Jin, S.K. Chung, S.C. Kim*, W.J. Choi, “Effect of Inner and Outer Chain Length in Multi-Cationic Site Organoclays on the Properties of PU/organoclay Nanocomposites”, Macromol. Res., 18 (4), 380-386 (Apr 2010) [Link] 

1. S.K. Chung, J.J. Wie, B.Y. Park, S.C. Kim*, “Synthesis of Reactive Organifier for the Epoxy/layered Silicate Nanocomposite and the Properties of the Epoxy Nanocomposites”, J. Macromol. Sci. A, 46 (2), 205-214 (Jan 2009) [Link]